
Privacy Policy


Here you will find all the relevant information applicable to the use that Room Five makes of the personal data of its Customers and users.


This Privacy Policy will be used in the channel or digital means that the Customer uses to interact with us, either through our website or our social networks.


By accepting this Privacy Policy, you are authorizing the company Similar e Extenso, Lda. and the group companies and affiliates of the company(ies) that own the brand and related exploitation rights of the “ROOM FIVE” brand, so that it processes your personal data that you confirm that you are the owner, as well as related data to your commercial and contractual relationship, and respective management, under the terms of this Privacy Policy.


He also declares to provide this consent freely and voluntarily and to be 18 years of age or older.


To understand our Privacy Policy in detail, namely the implications of the use made of the personal data of our Customers and users and what rights they have in relation to this data, consult the information below.




Avenida de São Lourenço, n. 225, 4705 - 445 Celeirós, Braga.

Email address of the Data Protection Officer: team@room-five. en


  • Identification data: name, age, date of birth, language, address, contacts, tax identification number;
  • Economic and transaction data: banking elements associated with means of payment, information regarding purchases, orders, and returns made;
  • Connection, geolocation and/or navigation data: location, identification number of the device through which the website is accessed, advertising ID;
  • Commercial information: in case of subscription to the newsletter;
  • Data about tastes and preferences.


Access to some of the functionalities and services available on the Room Five website implies the mandatory completion of some fields with the Customer's personal data. This data is considered essential for us to provide our services or to allow the Customer to access the intended functionality.

If you choose not to provide this data, you may not be able to complete your user registration or be unable to enjoy these services or features.


In certain situations, data may be provided to Room Five by a third party, who has used a functionality or service on our website, for example, through a gift card or sending an order to your address. In these situations, we only process the Customer's data when this is necessary for the functionality or service.


There may be situations in which data may be collected passively, through the use of tracking tools, such as browser cookies and other similar technologies on our website and in the communications sent.


Depending on the services, products or features you access, we process your personal data for the following purposes:


2. 1 Managing the Customer's registration as a user of the website:

As soon as the Customer decides to become a registered user of our website, we need to process his data to identify him as a user and allow access to the various functionalities, products and services that are available to him as a registered user. The user account can be canceled at any time, by sending a communication to the following email address team@room-five. PT


The data collected through the website relating to the Customer's purchasing activity will remain associated with the same account so that all information can be accessed jointly.

When available, the Customer may use access or login via a social network. In this situation, the login credentials as well as the Customer's name and email/phone number will be imported from the social network account currently in use. By using this login option, these third parties may provide additional information from the Customer's public profile, such as: name, gender, approximate age or profile picture, in accordance with the terms of use of the social network. This additional data will not be stored by Room Five unless authorized to do so. Likewise, the use of this functionality may imply providing certain information about the Customer's activity on the social network.

For these reasons, we recommend that you review your privacy settings and the privacy policies of the social network in use to find out how these third parties treat your data.


  2. 2 Comply with and execute the contract for the purchase or provision of services entered into:

This purpose includes the processing of data, essentially, for:

  • Contact the Customer regarding updates or informational communications related to the functionalities, products or services contracted, including quality surveys and to establish a link between the Customer's degree of satisfaction and the service provided.


  • Manage payment for purchased products, regardless of the payment method used.

If you activate the functionality of archiving your payment data and shipping address, when purchasing our products through the website, the data indicated for the activation and development of this functionality will be processed. Consent to activate this feature allows your payment details to be automatically filled in for future purchases, preventing you from having to re-enter them with each new purchase, and this data will be considered valid and in force for subsequent purchases. You can modify or delete your payment details at any time through the payment information section in your registered user account on the website.


  • Activate the necessary mechanisms to prevent and detect unauthorized use of the website, namely during the purchase and return processes, as well as potential fraud committed against the Customer and/or against our company. If the transaction is considered fraudulent or abnormal behavior is detected that indicates an attempt to fraudulently use our functionalities, products or services, such treatment may result in the blocking of the transaction or the deletion of your user account.


  • Managing possible exchanges or returns after making a purchase and managing requests for information about the availability of items, product reservations through the website, or any others that may become available, depending on their availability at any given time.


  • Billing and availability of invoices for purchases made through the website.
  • Ensure the use of other functionalities or services available, such as, for example, acquisition, management and use of the Gift Card, when these functionalities or services are available.


 2. 3. Fulfill requests or requests through the Customer Support service:

We only process the personal data strictly necessary to manage or resolve requests or requests.

If you choose to communicate with the Customer Support service through the chat service of a social network, if this service is available, some of your personal data, such as your name, will be imported from your social network.

Also bear in mind that the data you send in this service will be available to your social network and will be subject to the respective privacy policies. Therefore, we recommend that you check your privacy settings and read the social network's privacy policies for more detailed information on their use of your personal data.


2. 4 Marketing:

  • Personalise the services we make available to you and formulate recommendations based on the Customer's interactions on the website and the analysis of their user profile.


  • By subscribing to our Newsletter, processing your personal data to manage that subscription, including sending personalized information about our products or services via email or SMS.


This data processing presupposes the analysis of the user or Customer profile to determine their preferences and which products and services best suit their style. Thus, based on the purchase and navigation history, suggestions will be made about products that we believe may be of interest to the Customer.

You can unsubscribe to the Newsletter at any time in the "Newsletter" section of the website, in addition to canceling through the instructions provided in each communication.

  • Display advertisements on the Internet, which you may see when visiting websites and apps, namely on social networks. The advertising displayed may be random, but in some cases it may be advertising related to the Customer's preferences or his shopping and browsing history.

If you use social networks, the companies with which we collaborate may be provided with certain information so that they, as joint controllers for data processing, can show you advertisements for our brand and, in general, offer advertisements that have in mind consideration the Customer's profile on the websites of these social networks. For information about the use of your data and how advertising works on social networks, we recommend that you review the privacy policies of the social networks with which you have accounts.


Customer data is used to carry out segment analysis and measure the advertising that we show to users on some of the platforms of our potential partners/suppliers. To this end, we collaborate with these third parties who provide us with the necessary technology (eg cookies, pixels, SDK) to use such services. These partners/suppliers may be provided with information or some type of identifier in each situation (for example, the ad ID associated with a cookie, among others. )


  • Data enrichment: Customer personal data gathered from a variety of sources may be consolidated under certain circumstances with the aim of improving our understanding of your needs and preferences related to our products and services (including purposes analysis, generation of user profiles, marketing studies, quality surveys and improving our interactions with our customers). This refers, for example, to how we can combine your information if you have a registered account and, using the same email, make a purchase as a guest, or the information that is automatically compiled (such as MAC and IP addresses or metadata), which we may associate with the information that the Customer provides us directly through their activity on the website.


  • Perform promotional actions: by participating in any promotional action, you authorize us to process the data made available to us, depending on the promotional action, and to communicate them through various means such as social networks or on the website itself. In each promotional action in which the Customer participates, the terms and conditions will be made available, where more detailed information will be provided on the processing of their personal data.


  • Disseminate on the website or through our channels on social networks, photographs or images that you have shared publicly, whenever you give us your express consent for this purpose.


2. 5 Analysis of functionality and quality to improve our services:

By accessing our website, we inform you that we will process your browsing data for analytical and statistical purposes, that is, to understand how users interact with our website and with the actions implemented on other web pages and apps, to so that we can improve our services.

In addition, we occasionally carry out surveys and quality actions aimed at finding out the degree of satisfaction of customers and users and detecting areas in which we can improve the quality of our services.



The legal grounds that allow us to process the Customer's personal data also depend on the purpose for which they are processed.


 3. 1 Manage Customer registration as a website user:

The processing of Customer data is necessary in accordance with the terms that regulate the use of the website. In order for the Customer to register as a user on the website, we need to process their personal data. Otherwise we would not be able to manage your registration. We consider that we have a legitimate interest in associating the Customer's account with their purchases and with the data collected through the website regarding their activity.

If the functionality becomes available, and the Customer chooses to use access or login through a social network, the reason why we are legitimated to process their data is the consent that they grant at the time they authorize the transfer of your data through the social network.


 3. 2 Fulfill and execute the contract for the purchase or provision of services:

The processing of the Customer's data is necessary for the conclusion of the purchase contract or

service provision.

The processing of some data related to the purchase process will only be activated when requested or authorized, as is the case with the storage of payment data for future purchases or to make available the functions Available soon, in cases where this functionality is available. In these cases, the processing we do of your data is based on your own consent. We process your location data whenever you give us consent for this purpose.


We consider that we have a legitimate interest in carrying out the necessary checks to detect and prevent potential fraud or fraudulent use of the website, for example, when making a purchase or return. We understand that the processing of this data is positive for all parties involved: for the Customer, as it allows us to create measures to protect them against fraud attempts perpetrated by third parties; for us, as it allows us to prevent unauthorized use of the website; for all our customers and for society at large as it also protects their interest by ensuring that fraudulent activities are discouraged and detected when they occur.


3. 3. Customer Support

We consider that we have a legitimate interest in responding to the requests or questions that the Customer poses to us through the various existing contact channels. We understand that the processing of this data is also beneficial for the Customer insofar as it allows us to provide adequate assistance, answering questions and responding to requests made.


  • When you contact us, in particular, for the management of incidents related to your order or the product/service purchased through the website, the processing of your data is necessary for the management of the purchase and sale contract.


When your request is related to the exercise of the rights we inform you about below, or with complaints related to our products or services, we are legally authorized to process your data for the purposes of complying with our legal obligations.


3. 4 Marketing

The basis for legitimacy to process Customer data for marketing purposes is the consent you give us when you accept to receive personalized information through various means of communication, when you subscribe to the newsletter, when you configure your device settings, when you consent through cookie settings, or when you accept the terms and conditions to participate in a promotional action or to publish your photographs on the website or on our social media channels.


In order to provide personalized services or to present personalized information, on our website or on those of third parties, and for the purposes of data enrichment, we consider it to have a legitimate interest in defining a profile with the information we have about the Customer (such as your browsing history, preferences or purchases) and the personal data you have given us, such as age group or language. We understand that the processing of this data is beneficial for the Client, because it allows him to improve his experience as a user and access information according to his preferences.


3. 5 Analysis of functionality and quality

We consider that we have a legitimate interest in analyzing the functionality of the website and the degree of user satisfaction, because we understand that the processing of this data is also beneficial for the Customer, when the objective is to improve the user experience and offer a service with more quality.



The retention period of Customer data depends on the purposes for which we treat them, as explained below.


 4. 1 Management of registration as a user on the website:

The Customer's data will be processed for the period of time that the condition of registered user remains, that is, until the Customer cancels his subscription.


4. 2 Fulfillment and execution of the contract for the purchase or provision of services:

The Customer's data will be processed for the period of time necessary to manage the purchase of the products or services that he has acquired, including possible returns, complaints or complaints associated with the purchase of the product or service in question.

In certain situations, we only process data until the moment the Customer decides, as is the case with payment data stored for future purchases.


 4. 3. Customer Support

Customer data will be processed for the period of time necessary to respond to your request or order.


 4. 4 Marketing

Customer data will be processed until the customer cancels the subscription to our newsletter.

Personalized advertisements will be displayed until the Client changes his device, browser and/or cookie settings in such a way that the permission to do so is revoked.

If the Customer participates in promotional actions, we will keep their data for a period of six (6) months from the end of the action.


 4. 5 Functionality and quality analysis

Customer data will be processed sporadically for as long as a certain action or quality survey takes place or until we anonymize your browsing data.


Regardless of the processing of data only for the period strictly necessary to fulfill the corresponding purpose, we will keep them, duly stored and protected, for the period of time in which responsibilities arising from the treatment may arise, in accordance with the legislation in force. force at all times. When each of the possible actions expires, personal data will be erased.



To fulfill the purposes indicated in this Privacy Policy, we need to allow access to your personal data to entities within our group and to third parties that provide us with support in the services we offer you, namely:

  • financial institutions
  • anti-fraud prevention and detection entities
  • technology and analytical service providers
  • service providers and partners in the field of logistics, transport and delivery and/or their partner establishments
  • service providers in the field of customer support
  • service providers and partners in the field of marketing and advertising, such as advertising agencies and partners or social networks, which, in certain cases, may act as joint data controllers.


For the sake of service efficiency, some of the providers mentioned are located in territories outside the European Economic Area that do not provide a level of data protection comparable to that of the European Union. In such cases, we transfer your data with the appropriate guarantee and always ensuring their security, using the most appropriate international data transfer tools, such as, for example, those provided for in the Standard Contractual Clauses, and, where applicable, complementary measures.



We undertake to respect the confidentiality of the Customer's personal data and to guarantee the exercise of their rights. In this sense, as data controllers, we have agreed that you can exercise your rights by sending an email to team@room-five. pt, in which it will be enough to indicate the reason for the request and the right you wish to exercise. If necessary for Customer identification purposes, we may request a copy of an identification document.

In addition, we may give you the possibility to exercise your rights and define your privacy preferences when using some of our services or providing specific channels on our website.

Regardless of the purpose or legal basis under which we process your data, the Customer is entitled to:

  • Request access to your personal data that we have.

If you are a registered user on the website, you can also consult this information in the section corresponding to your online account.

  • Request the rectification of the data we have.

If you are a registered user on the website, you can access the section corresponding to your personal data in your account to change or update them.

By actively providing your personal data in any way, you guarantee that they are authentic and accurate and undertake to report any changes to them.

Any loss or damage caused to the website or to the person responsible for it or to any third party, resulting from the communication of wrong, inaccurate or incomplete information in the registration forms, will be the sole responsibility of the user. You should only provide your own personal data, not those of third parties, unless otherwise permitted in this Privacy Policy.

  • Request the deletion of the data insofar as they are no longer necessary for the

purpose for which we need to continue to treat them, as explained above, or when we are no longer legally authorized to treat them.

  • Request the cancellation or limitation of the processing of your personal data, which means that in certain situations you can request the temporary suspension of the processing of your data or its conservation beyond the necessary time.


If you have given consent to process your data for any purpose, you also have the right to withdraw it at any time. Some of the ways in which you can withdraw your consent are detailed in section 2 above.


If you do not want your information to be sent to third parties so that ads can be shown to you, you can exercise this right by changing your preferences on your device and browser and/or changing cookie settings, consulting the privacy policies and settings from the social networking sites on which you have profiles, or by sending us an email at the address mentioned above.


Once you have obtained consent for the processing of your data as referred to in section 3 above, you will be entitled to request the portability of your personal data. This means that you will have the right to receive personal data made available in a structured way, for current use and automatic reading, so that you can transmit them directly to another entity without any type of impediment on our part.


In the event that the processing of your data is based on our legitimate interests, you have the right to object to their processing.


You also have the right to file a complaint with the data protection supervisory authority: National Data Protection Commission, located at Av. D Carlos I, 134 – 1. 1200-651 Lisbon. Telephone: 213 928 400 – Fax: 213 976 832 – email: geral@cnpd. en.



We offer functionalities or services that require us to process the personal data of a third party that, as a user or customer, you must provide us with in case of activating and sending the Gift Card/Gift Card or managing the Gift Voucher order /Gift Card (where these features are available). If the Customer provides us with personal data of third parties or if it is necessary for us to request such data so that a third party can pick up an order on behalf of the Customer, the Customer guarantees to have informed the third party about the purposes and the way in which we need to process their personal data. .


If a third party has provided us with their data, or if they have been provided by the Customer as a result of a feature or service requested by one of our users, we will use them to manage the feature or service in question in each case, within the limits of the purposes listed in this Privacy Policy.



The information set out in this Privacy Policy may be changed whenever deemed appropriate, with the Customer being informed in advance of that change. In this event, the Customer will be notified by various means through the website, namely, through a banner, a pop-up or a push notification, by communication sent to his e-mail, when the changes in question are relevant to the your privacy, thus allowing you to review and evaluate these changes and, if applicable, contest or cancel any service or functionality.


We advise you to review this Privacy Policy periodically to be duly informed if minor changes are made or any changes are introduced

interactive improvements, remembering that this is always available on our website.



We use cookies and similar devices to facilitate the Customer's navigation on our website, to understand how they interact with us and, in certain cases, to be able to provide advertising based on the analysis of their browsing habits.